Hello all. Hello me. I'm not quite sure how I'll go about this new task of words. Bare with me as I come in to my own. I suppose I shall start by introducing myself. My name is noxy. No, it's not. noxy is my online moniker, my persona, and my preferred nickname. If only I could get folks in my real world to use it. But alas, no. My real name is Jackie. I am 23 years old and live in Illinois. Whereabouts are not important, I am an hour or so away from Chicago.
Freetime is currently my preferred being, and so I occupy this time by playing online. I play a ton of various games, frequent a couple of forums, and read a couple blogs. A more specific list of games are as follows:
Facebook games:
Mafia Wars
Myspace games:
Mafia Wars
various other games that I don't play often enough to mention
You may notice the similarities in the lists above. This is because I began my addiction with application games on Myspace. I joined Mobsters and Mafia Wars, and eventually found YoVille and Farmtown. I've done all the jobs on Mafia Wars though, and so for the heck of it, I decided to start playing it on Facebook, starting all over again. And then decided to join YoVille and Farmtown while I was at it. I wander all of those games daily.
I also play a couple of online sim games:
Fay - a fairy sim
Woolly Hooves - an invincible llama sim
Furry Paws - a dog sim
Mweor - a cat sim
These games are highly addictive, Woolly Hooves being my favorite, but when the creator of Woolly Hooves lost interest in her own game, so did I. She also created Furry Paws and Mweor, both of which she still keeps up with. I lost interest in all three when she abandoned my favorite. Fay is run by two wonderful people who keep it active and are constantly caring about their users. I love the site, and still visit daily. I rarely visit the other three, but they stay on my list, because I believe I may become addicted to them again someday, which happened with Furry Paws once already. I quit the game in a November, and the following June, became addicted again. Mayhaps history shall repeat.
Along with all of the games already listed, I also play MMOSG's, or Massively Multiplayer Online Social Games. The following is my current list of haunts:
There - Joined 11/28/04
IMVU - Joined 9/11/05
Second Life - Joined 9/12/05
vSide - Joined 7/4/06
I have played a dozen other games, but they have either gone out of business, or were not interesting enough for me to continue playing. For a little while, it looked as though vSide would join the "out of business" category, but it was recently purchased by a new company. I am happily awaiting its return, as it was most "home" to me.
And aside from all of these games, I'm also a Sims addict. I can play the Sims for hours on end. I personally find that I like Sims 2 better than Sims 3, but Sims 2 crashes if I play too long, or if I have too many things going on. It's done that since I got Bon Voyage. Not very fun. Sims 3 doesn't crash though, so I'm grateful for that.
I have tried playing a couple of MMORPGS - Anarchy Online and a small stint in World of Warcraft - but they just weren't for me. Well, maybe AO would have been, had it been easier for a loner like me to level up. Ha. Funny, no? I'm a loner, and yet I play SOCIAL GAMES. Hilarious. I try to be polite, and will continue a conversation if approached first, but more than likely, I find myself alone. Which, is probably why I have those four MMOSGs listed as my favorites. They can all be played without the need for someone else to be there. There are times when I prefer to be with someone, but more often I like playing alone. And no, I'm not an only child. Ha.
Anyhoo, onward to more about me...
I frequent a few forums as well. Three, to be exact, two of the three more often than the third, and one more often than the others. Make sense?
vSide Forum - This would be the least frequented of the three. I wander aimlessly here and rarely speak. vSide is aimed at a younger generation, and the forums prove as such. It's a forum full of drama. Childish and annoying. Even those older than me sink to the low level of drama in that forum. The best thing to do is keep your mouth shut, and read on, in case something actually interestingly related to vSide happens to roll by.
Realife Plus Forum - Soon after vSide announced it's termination, (before the company was saved) a few of the old vSide staff announced that they would be embarking on a journey to create a better vWorld, and they want us to help mold it. Normally, vWorlds are made, then users join, and it's anyone's guess as to whether it will be successful. RL+ is trying to get the users first, get their opinions on matters, THEN form a vWorld. Hopefully, the result will be a very successful endeavor. There's a lot of folks from vSide there, so drama is a give in, but it hasn't gotten nearly as bad.
Enchanted Doll Forum - I visit here multiple times a day. I haven't been posting much in the last couple days, but that's out of the ordinary. I love this forum. I feel like we are a family, drawn together by one common interest: Enchanted Dolls. EDs are my obsession, but as this post is already quite lengthy, I will mayhaps wait until tomorrow to elaborate.
Other random tidbits about noxy...
I love cows. They're so neat. I have a ton of different cow things. Cow stuffed animals up the wazoo, including this lovely hugemongous cow the boyfriend won at what I assumed was an impossible game:
Yay for my awesome boyfriend. I also have cow print seat covers in my car, cow print toilet covers, and a cow print blanket. Purses and other items as well.
I also love goldfish. Yellow ones to be exact. They're lovely. If I had a fish I would name it Icarus. Of course, I don't want a fish, for we have had bad experiences with fish, and I would not want to subject a poor animal to the same fate.
I am a dog lover. Cats are nice too, but dogs are for me. Recently, we had to put our dog, Britney, to sleep. It was very hard, and I'll never forget it, just as I never forgot my last moments with our other two dogs. Here the dogs are, I feel like sharing:
Sledge Hammer. I am told he was named after a short lived television show. He was a poodle/boston terrier mix if I remember correctly. Sweet dog. We had him for almost my whole childhood. I do not remember a day in my earlier memories where he was not around. He died shortly after my 16th birthday.
Lucky. She was a pure bred chihuahua. Given to me by a friend. Lucky wasn't getting along so well with my friend's children. She was only with me a short time, but I loved her greatly.
Britney. She joined our family before Sledge passed. A spaniel of some sort. My mother found her, and when no one called to claim her, we kept her. She was such a sweet dog. She was not over protective, (like Lucky) nor did she ever growl (like Sledge). Nothing ever seemed to bother her, even when Lucky would try and pick a fight with her. She never whined or yelped. She'd bark, but only when the doorbell would ring. I miss her so much. When I close my eyes at night I see the last moments I had with her, and it makes me cry. And then I can't fall asleep, because crying keeps me up. One of the last pictures I took of her, on my phone, just before...
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