Helloooo blog.
So today I decided it was time to dye my hair again. I've been dyeing my hair a dark dark red for a few months now, and I'm still not tired of it, so yeah. I went to the store to pick up the kind I normally get, but they didn't have it. So I grabbed a foam dye. Never tried foam dye before, was always iffy about it.
Normally I get Garnier, but it's always the normal stuff. I grab the ultra color ones because I have black hair, and the ultra colored ones are for dark hair. These "intense color" dealies are fairly new to me, I've only seen them pop up in the last few years. I got excited when I first saw them, until I turned it around and saw:
Oh awesome! So "Dark hair" to color companies is "Light brown". AWESOME. Once again I'm left out in the color spectrum. lol. So since my hair is a natural black, I always expect my result to be a few shades darker.
So that's the before picture. Looking lovely in a garbage bag, might I add. lol. I like to wear a garbage bag when I'm dyeing because I'm incredibly messy. :) It's been over a month since I've dyed my hair I think, and the red tones slowly just fade away, so I end up with dark brown hair.... well dark brown according to the box up there.
Here's the foam in mah hair. Granted... I cleaned up some of the dye that got all over my face and forehead... lol. You can still see some of it, maybe a bit on my left cheek. Working with the foam through my hair was loads easier than the non-foam formula, and it also smelled less harsh. My only real issue with the foam was how insanely difficult it was to continue pumping the foam once my gloved hands were slippery. The top of the pump is completely smooth. A few grooves to help with friction would've been greatly appreciated. Ah well.
The foam was also a LOT easier to wash out than the regular stuff, and they included way more conditioner in the foam version than I used to get in the regular stuff, which is always appreciated.
Overall, I love this Garnier Nutrisse Color Foam. I really do prefer it over the non-foam, and I shall be getting it again for sure - I just might have to attack the top of the pump with a knife or a pushpin or something to help me pump when my hands get foamy. lol.
The box I use is called "Light Ultra Intense Red", but because of my black hair, I end up with a color I call Black Cherry. And that works for me. Would I like a brighter, lighter red? Yeah sure, but with my hair, that would require bleaching, and I'm not too fond of bleaching. I had to do that when I went pink a couple years back. I LOVED how dark pink my hair was though. Oh man... Now I'm wondering if I should bleach my hair next time and try for a brighter red... hmmm....
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2 months ago
What dye did you use before dear?