Greetings! I am here writing a blog because I feel it's necessary in order to proceed with the posts I actually want to write right now. I got a 3DS! It's technically a 3DS XL.
Seven years ago, I got a DS lite, and mostly played nintendogs on it. As a result, when the 3DS came out, I wasn't much interested. Until... until my love for Pokemon attacked me at full force.
At the end of September, (which, coincidentally, [I found out later] marked the 15 yr anniversary of the first Pokemon game to be released in the US) I had a sudden urge to play Pokemon Blue. It was the first Pokemon game I ever played, and the only one I played in the "main series". (I've played Pokemon Snap, and Pokemon XD as well) So I picked it up and started playing. I was quite addicted, and finished the game in two or three days. I then told myself I wanted to play at least one game of every generation Pokemon has. I got Crystal, and... well, life happened, and I'm reeeally close to finishing it, but alas, am still not done. I still have... I think... Emerald, Diamond, Black or White and Black or White 2, (Same generation, but still curious to play) and then finally Pokemon X or Y.
Pokemon X or Y would require a 3DS, which I did not have. And all of a sudden a 3DS was on my wishlist. All through October I looked at different 3DS's, eventually deciding that if I had the option to get one right then, (realistically, and NOT spending twice as much for a cute Pikachu version) I'd get a Special Edition Pokemon 3DS XL that came out to promote X/Y. It's available in Blue or Red. I decided on Red. I figured I'd ask for it for Christmas. (Dad likes to get us all one "big ticket item" and then a few smaller tidbits.) I knew it was possible the Pokemon XY version wouldn't be available by then, but meh. I'd try anyhow.
My boyfriend got the 3DS for me the day after Halloween.
He also got me Pokemon X, (the one I inevitably decided on) and three other games he thought I might like:
Gem Smashers (which I've yet to play)
Sims 3 (not a fan of the game, though I still play it time to time)
Nintendogs + Cats: French Bulldog and Friends (proof that my guy KNOWS me, I never told him I wanted this game, nor had I mentioned a version I prefer, and yet, here it is. The exact version I'd have chosen and the main reason I'm writing this post! ❤)
In addition to the 3DS XL and the games, he grabbed these lightsaber styluses (they're a bit uncomfortable to use, but sooo cute I still use them.) and..
a pokeball 3DS holder.
Holds my 3DS plus up to six games and 2 styluses. Of course, since I only have four games total, one slot holds another stylus. lol.
I love this 3DS. I'm maintaining my promise to myself to play the Pokemon games in order, so I haven't yet tried Pokemon X, but I have given permission to my bf to play it himself. (he's also a fan of Pokemon) At first he thought I should be the one to play it first, but it didn't take much to persuade him otherwise. LOL. So he's about done with the game now, I think he enjoys it. The game comes with a special event pokemon that I will likely not be able to get because the event will probably be over by the time I manage to catch up to this game, but a friend who has Pokemon Y has offered to breed and hold on to a Torchic for me so I may have one as well. Woot.
My favorite game now. Haha.
And here's my friend code for anyone with a 3DS who wants it. (Let me know yours so I can add you as well)
Testing out the camera feature...
So the reason I felt like writing this post is because ever since I started playing Nintendogs + Cats, I've been wanting to write a review on the game. And then upon further thought, I also wanted walkthrough/tips/thoughts/pictures... so I might split it all up in to separate posts. Apologies in advance if I end up spamming you a bit, though there should only be two or three posts I think, and feel free to skip them. :)
I didn't want to just mention my awesome new 3DS XL in passing, so here's this post first. Haha.
There for MacOS Version 2.5.25898
As usual, as an Alpha release, it probably has many, many bugs, and may not
work at all! If you were added for this round of testing you’ll get an
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1 month ago
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