Getting antsy... feeling trapped. I do this to myself all the frickin' time. Time to go to sleep and start a new in the morning. Maybe. Ugh. And now I'm talkin' all cryptic. Okay. Here goes. Another problem I was facing with the whole "try and sell stuff" thing? I can't stay on one thing for too long. It always fades. No matter what "it" is. An obsession, a hobby, a decision, a job... always. Which is sort of why I'm so surprised I'm still a BenPal. And why I was surprised I made it through BEDA.
Part of me was afraid to try because I know that, given enough time, and I'll trap myself. I'll get incredibly bored with whatever I'm doing, but I won't want to stop doing it until it's finished. Then there's usually a setback - something that's needed at the store or something... and if I'm really lucky.... and I am really lucky... the store it's needed from is already closed for the night. And that will get me anxious and impatient. And by the time I've finished with the whatever, I'm done. I'm sick of whatever it is. And I stop.
I'm in the middle of making a small stuffed item. And plan A was unsuccessful. Plan B requires felt from a store - and Walmart stopped fucking selling felt. Even if they still did sell felt, they never did sell yellow - which is of course one of the colors I need. Which means I must go to a craft store. And so I must wait until the morning. Or something like that. And then I can get the felt and finish this thing. And then I'll list it and it will probably never get sold because it looks gosh awful already.... ugh. Just... ugh.
When I finish this stupid knitted thing, I'm stopping with the knitting for now. I have enough hats for sale at the moment. I'm actually going to try making those Humpy Hank cards. Don't know how long it will take to work those out, but I imagine it'll be a while. The good thing about them is that there's enough going on that I'll stay interested. I don't know if anyone reads my blog anymore... but if you're reading this, do you think $10 is too much for a humpy hank card? Too expensive maybe? Bear in mind that the card can basically be used as a picture frame. Ah whatever, I'm fairly certain that's the price I'm selling them at. I'll still be cutting it all up and putting it all together by hand dammit.
Updates on other stuff... the duck is gone. I dunno if the eggs hatched or if they were attacked by a critter. Because I am a pessimist, most of me thinks the latter. They all died. Dead. D-E-D. But then... a small part of me, the part that still claims it's a realist, is telling me that it is quite possible that they hatched and wandered away. From what I'd read, the ducklings would spend time eating their shells, and then momma would lead them to water. We hadn't put anything out yet because we assumed we would see the ducklings first. The info I'd found advised us to leave momma alone, trust her, then put some water out once the eggs hatched. But if the eggs hatched without us noticing, then it's possible momma took her duckies away for water. Mainly, that small part of me is giving me this reasoning because I didn't find any remnants near the nest. Just momma duck's feathers. No shell pieces, no blood... nothing. So maybe the duckies are still alive. And happy. *shrug*
In other news, there's a bird's nest above the outdoor lamp by our front door. And for the last few years, there's always been a bird to lay eggs in it. This year is no different. It's been a couple years since I'd bothered to take a picture though. I have a picture now, but I don't have my camera near, so I'll have to show ya later, because the pic I have shows the baby birds as a bit bigger than the babies in the pic I took a couple years ago.
All my favorite shows are ending. So sad. Castle's already ended and boy oh boy, did it end well. Or not well... I mean... it was a well done episode. And then the end of NCIS and NCIS LA was Tuesday night. The end of Modern Family and Cougar Town were today, and Bones ends tomorrow. Geeze. Dancing with the Stars ends next week. The Voice is still running though, so meh. And then there's this summer's seasons. Of course, I was only looking forward to two shows this summer - Psych and Covert Affairs. Covert Affairs starts up next month, but not Psych. Noooooo, they moved Psych to the fall. So Covert Affairs is it. I suppose that's a good thing, this summer I won't be watching so many shows. I'll probably watch America's Got Talent though. Ha.
I'm learning how to use GIMP. Gimp is a more advanced photo editing program that's free. I've had it on my computer for about four years. I've opened it up a couple times, but was so confused I gave up on it. The first time I successfully did something in GIMP? The day I made the Humpy Hank card animation. LOL. I don't have an animated gif maker anymore, so I wandered online to find another method, and I found Gimp instructions. Had Gimp for four years, and only just successfully used it this month.
So now I've decided to try actually learning how to use GIMP. Since I first started trying to draw pictures, (i.e. that balloon animal picture I shared last time) I've used two programs simultaneously - saving at intervals, forever copying and pasting, switching back and forth between the two. Paint and a program called iPhoto Plus - a program that's copyright is 1993, and is slowly dying on me. (More and more things that were possible in the program once are no longer working properly.) Not sure why it's dying, but eh. And instead of panicking, I've been working around its faults. Because not everything in Paint can be done in iPhoto Plus, and vice versa. If I can learn GIMP, it's quite possible I won't need to use either anymore.
And then I'm going to make an attempt at tshirt graphics.
Okay. I'm done ranting and rambling and whatnot. I'm going to sleep. And then tomorrow I will attempt to finish making that one stupid thing, and then do my BenPals video, and then work on the Humpy Hank card. Yay to-do lists.
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