I got a bunch of lovely gifts for Christmas, but instead of sharing all of them, (There's quite a few small stocking stuffers. lol) I thought I'd share the bigger stuffs.
First up, these are some of the bigger stocking stuffers.
There's fuzzy cow socks, Squirt the turtle from Finding Nemo, a manicure set, PEZ, mini Lincoln Logs, (official name is "Micro Timbers" I believe) Duck Tape, (It's a duck with a tape measure that comes out of his bum. hehehe) and an Earth Therapeutics Hello Kitty Form Fitting Sleep Mask. That sleep mask got me excited.
I often switch sleep schedules due to insomnia, so a lot of times I'm sleeping during the day. I have sleep masks, but I just hate using them - they put so much pressure on my eyes. This "REM" sleep mask is contoured where the eyes go, so no pressure on the eyes! I can open my eyes in this mask comfortably, and I see nothing but darkness. It's beautiful. Plus the elastic is wider than my other lame masks, and there's velcro at the back to make it extra adjustable.
I used it yesterday for a day time nap, and it was fabulous. The only downside is I often sleep on my stomach, and the contouring on the mask makes it so it will readjust if I'm face down on my pillow. No matter, I still prefer this over my other masks!
Next are some shirts.
My dad got me two teefury shirts, Witch in the Fireplace, (Harry Potter/Doctor Who crossover) and Part of Every World. (The Little Mermaid/Doctor Who crossover) Both are designed by Karen Hallion, whom I'm a huge fan of. I've been gawking at her Fairy Tale/Doctor Who shirts for quite some time, but have been unable to acquire any until now. And now I have a Harry Potter shirt! I think this is my first one, because I don't count the ugly free shirt I got from donating blood. lol.
And then my brother and sis-in-law got me a minecraft shirt! I think this is my first minecraft shirt. Teehee!
Got a couple pairs of slippers...
When my dad asked what I wanted for Christmas, and aside from a mini minotaur, I asked for new slippers. The ones I got last year were too big for me, so my guy started wearing them, which left me with no slippers. He got me the gray ones, which are lovely, because they're boots and they feel nice and snuggly. Then my brother and sis in law got me a pair too! I wasn't expecting that. They're clog styled, so super easy to put on if I'm running outside for the mail or something.
And then there's the plushies. Hehe haha.
The first one is Nick, the Christmas Hamster. I got him for myself because he was on clearance and I couldn't resist. lol. Then there's an official Tiger Direct tiger, whom I've named Gregory. My guy, James, got him for me. He's super soft and he's one of those "buy him and we'll donate to a tiger foundation" sort of dealies. Hee. And then there's the minecraft Mooshroom!! I love Mooshrooms in minecraft because 1) they're freaking red cows, and 2) they're super useful. You can milk a mooshroom with a bucket for milk, or with a bowl for mushroom soup! Unlimited bowls of mushroom soup. Woot. So yeah, my guy got me this too. He knows I love minecraft. lol. The 3DS & games was my birthday/Christmas present from him, so he grabbed just a couple of small things to be wrapped and put under the tree. :)
Finally... from my mum.... some Jim Beam.
I have this sneaking suspicion that this present is more for James than for me. Mainly because she knows I don't drink whiskey. She got James some Jim Beam too! I figure there were two different Holiday Gift Packs available, and she didn't know which to choose, so she grabbed them both and wrapped them for each of us. lol.
So there we have it, my presents from this year. I loves it. Woot!
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