Friday, July 30, 2010

Planning on catching up

Toothless! I LOVED How to Train Your Dragon. I have a sewing pattern to make my own Toothless plushie, and totally plan on trying - even though I've never used sewing patterns before. Ha. Wish me luck on that one.

A noxyism:
Been a while since I've posted noxyisms.

Can't recall when I changed my firefox theme, but I did. To Castle.
Oh how I love that show.

And here's my desktop. It's been like this for a while though, will probably change it soon. The little toy in the middle is me, via Toy Creator.

Yesterday I got my thumb socks.
...What are thumb socks?
There's a site, called In their battle against texting while driving, they thought up the idea of thumb socks, the idea being that with that extra layer of cloth, it would be difficult to text, so you wear them when you're driving.

These are the pair I've decided to keep. I might give the other pair to my brother, because he's always texting while driving. Ugh.

The thing is... the socks are actually pretty thin... and I can still text with them on... but eh, maybe it's just the thought of having them on that makes you not want to text. *shrug*


Tomorrow marks the one year of Britney's passing.
I still miss her every now and then. And I'm still alone in wanting another dog. Everyone else in this family seems to think that it's not worth it - to fall in love with a dog only to have them die in the end. Me? I think that's a morbid and messed up way of looking at it. That's you looking at the very end of the years you spent in the relationship. Britney was with us for around ten years. Ten years! And all they remember is having to say goodbye?!

Why do people choose to remember the sadness over the happiness? Or is it even a choice? Maybe you can't choose? I remember sitting in rather uncomfortably on a convo between a friend and his mom. My friend was complaining about all the sad/mean things that childhood brought him. His mom would pipe up with happy things, and he would always respond with "I don't remember that." His mom responded with "well that's your problem! You think your childhood was all dark and dreary because you've blocked all the memories that had the good in it!" Hmm...

Alright, so here's how it's going down. I'm hoping to catch up on all the posts I planned on making over the past couple months. You'll know that it's a catch-up post because there will be dates listed in the title.

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