Monday, March 15, 2010

Guess who!?

Hello again! I've been itching to write another blog! Mayhaps it's because I'm tired... or possibly restless... dang Enchanted Doll contest... why won't you show me the prize doll so I can pretend I won for two days?! That's what I did last year and it was lovely. Heee.

Anyhoo, I think I'm still in a fairly good mood today. (I've started writing this at 11:30pm... but I've found I take hours to write a blog cuz I keep getting distracted. LOL. We'll see how this one works out.) Not as good as yesterday, but still on the happy side, so it's welcome.

I finished reading a book today. Looking for Alaska by John Green. It was okay. Probably not a book I'll read again, but not too bad. A friend of mine said something along the lines of "he writes in a way that brings me right in to the story." Honestly? No, no he doesn't. At least not in that book. But that doesn't mean I didn't like the book. That means I think my friend is defending the author a bit too much just because he feels he knows him in a personal way. John Green vlogs on Youtube with his brother. It's quite fun to watch, but I'm not going to say "OMG THAT WAS THE MOST AMAZINGEST BOOK EVER" just because I like his videos. I liked the book enough to be curious about his second book - which claims to be more fun. And if that one goes well I might read the third, which might lead to checking him out at a book signing for his fourth come April. But eh, it all depends on the second book. lol.

So I'm on Facebook like, every day cuz I like playing the games. But lately... I think I'm getting bored of them. I've played dozens, and then stopped playing a few, then stopped with a few more... and now it seems I don't even like the... what, four? that I'm currently playing. Eh. But if I stop playing the FB games, what else is there to do on that site? lol. Atleast on myspace you could customize your page. That was always fun.

When I first joined Facebook, like... 3 or 4 years ago, I was skeptical. Didn't even know why I joined. Didn't look for any friends... used this:
As my profile pic. Didn't add any connections or whatever they're called.... eventually I added a couple people. Then I started playing the FB games. I was hooked on a couple on myspace, but saw that Facebook had quite a few more options, so I moved. Added a couple more people. Not too many though. And the fact that Sweeney Todd over there was my profile pic prevented others from adding me, because they either:

A) Couldn't confirm it was me.
B) Couldn't remember me.
C) Never knew my last name.

So yeah, and I didn't mind. Still don't. In fact... Up until maaaybe a week ago, I still had Sweeney as my profile pic. Only one reason made me change it - I sent a mass email to my There friends and gave them my name on Facebook. I was informed that there were a couple of Jackie Fitzmaurice's and they had to guess which one was me. So I changed my profile pic to:
So There folks could tell for sure which Jackie I was. lol. Funny thing is, I have two Facebook accounts, and one is named noxy, so I should have just led them that way... but that was my extra account to play games... of course people found that one anyway so I might have to change her... bleh. SPEAKING OF THERE!!!

So when I sent my pics of my entry to Chad yesterday, I uploaded them to one of my like... four photobucket accounts, (I fail at having only ONE account for something. Except the ED Forum! Only one there! WOOT!) and it's an account I don't use often... as in, haven't in years. lol. But I logged on and was like OMG! There pictures!!!! And so now I must share my treasure, because these pics are from five years ago, right around when I was new to the place. Heeee.
That's me and me and me and... well, I did so love taking pictures of myself. But why not? My avie was cute! Heeee

And these three are taken at an awesome place to take pictures. I love the shadow.
This was my then There best friend. Her name was PunkFetish. She's the blonde. We were actually on two different accounts during this, because we both wanted to pretend we were noobs and too many people knew us as not on our main accounts. lol.

These two pictures are of Punkfetish and her first There boyfriend, Martin. lol. Hehe. She... ended up breaking his heart I think. I actually still occasionally talk to him too, on msn messenger.

These pictures are significant because of the rooster. First lemme identify myself. Hee. In the first pic, I'm right in the middle. My "twin" is Punkfetish. Actually, you can see there that I'm wearing the same top I wore in my Karuna Plaza picture from the other day. (not that you'd remember, just gotta trust me. lol) Then in the second and third pic I'm the one with the bun and the white tied shirt. And wearing the capris I wore in my KP pic from two days ago. We're in Karuna in these pics. But anyhoo, lemme explain why the rooster is significant.

You can't pull anything out in Karuna except for drinks to hold - because they don't want to create too much lag if too many folks bring stuff out. And here we have a rooster. Technically speaking, the only way one can have a rooster out is if they've just pulled it out of their inventory to place on their own land or their own house. They can not take it out of their property. So, here we have a rooster that for no reason should be there. And yet it was. lol. It belonged to the guy with the hat on in the 1st pic/blueshirt in 2nd and 3rd. And he wouldn't tell us how he did it! The rooster just blinked there, right in the middle of the chat group. Punk and I loved it. We named it.... Dinner. Dinner the Rooster. We started a group dedicated to him, called Dinner 4 Dinner. I think it had about 30 members in the group. My smallest group for sure. lol. I even wrote a story or two about him! ROFL. But yeah... moving on...

This picture was taken of my now ex (Jrock) back when he first joined, and our friend Nikki. He's the one standing on the bench in the fishnet boxers, and she's the one doing 'giddyup in front. They were harassing some poor noobs. (noobs were known to lure eachother on to benches, because those were the only places you can kiss in There.) Hehe.

This last There pic isn't old. I just found it, and thought it was pretty, so here it is. It's maybe from last year I think.

So there we are. More There pics. I know you're overjoyed. Okay, maybe just me. Heee.

I'm thinking I might dedicate a couple of blog posts just to stories I wrote in There. While most are There related, it wouldn't be hard to follow, I can probably even throw some reference pictures up for the places. Mayhaps next week. Or maybe once a week or something. I don't remember how many stories I have. Hehe. Mind you, most/all are just silly. The first, for instance, is called Dinner the Mystical Rooster... or something like that. And it's about a crime fighting cow, who battles evil bananas, evil clams, and evil dwarf hamsters... none of which can exist in There, but they're there anyway. Dinner the Rooster makes an appearance too of course. Hehe haha.

So today, Ruth sent me to a game called Circle the Cat. And I got hooked. LOL. I played for quite a while, getting frustrated with the dang cat. But finally caught him!
It's all light and junk cuz it started to fade away before I decided to take a picture. I darkened the kitty up a bit though so you can see him properly. lol. So I felt satisfied and wandered off. Then, while going to look for the link to link it on THIS BLOG JUST NOW, I went and played again and caught him. Hehe hahahaha.


THREE times! HA! Take THAT Kitteh!!! Woot! *ahem* ANYWAY....

So yesterday on the ED Forum, a buddy Shane mentioned that he still had a few hours to whip something up to enter in the ED contest, and so I helped out with a quick drawing before bed.
It was so fun to do! It's based on Ruby... but I don't think it looks much like her. Hehe.

See... I draw a certain way... and keep drawing like that... until something comes up and I get distracted. Then I wander off, and when I come back, I no longer draw that way. My drawing style has changed sooo often, it's frustrating. I want a drawing style dang it. lol. But, it does keep things new if nothing else. Anyhoo, I liked my picture of Ruby that I doodled up. I drew her in paint, using a Ruby picture as a ref - I'd draw a little, then switch to my browser with the Ruby pic up, then draw a little more, and so on and so forth. I then resized her a bit to hide the flaws. ROFL. Today I decided to try this style a bit more... 11 times to be precise. And so we reach the reason for my blog title. The object of this game is to try and identify what doll was a ref for which pic. LOL. There's no prize... well, if you guessed every single one right I might try drawing a picture of your favorite doll for you. lol. Heee hee haha. On to the dolls! (All the pics are small intentionally. Again, resizing)

Doll ONE

Doll TWO




Doll SIX




Doll TEN


Two of the dolls are owner owned, the rest are all from the main site. Most of them I don't think look anything like their doll ref. Though one or two, like Doll SIX is rather obvious. I actually think doll six is my favorite one, though doll seven and doll two are pretty cool too. I'm half afraid to tell folks which dolls are which, cuz then the ones that are based on owner's dolls, the owners will be like "...what??? Really?" ROFL. Yes really. I butchered your dolls. Hehe haha.

I'll let you know next post as far as answers go. Hehe. And with that, I'm spent. It's now 1am. I do believe it's time for sleep. I was sort of hoping the prize doll might magically appear before bed time, and so pushed bedtime further and further... but no, must sleep. Good night blog world!!


  1. ooh i just caught the cat, thanks for linking the game, i need some distractions while waiting for contest news! aww, maybe we'll see the doll and winner in the same blog post, i too was hoping to pretend to be the winner for a while ;)

    ok i'll try to guess some doll faces, hmm let's see.. (i hope i'm not all off)
    doll 2: Necrophilia?
    doll 5: Yren?
    doll 6: Nastoya
    doll 8: gah i know her but i can't get it...
    doll 10: Mermaid?
    doll 11: Edie?

    with some that i didn't mention i feel like i almost know it but not completely, like when you know a person but you can't remember their name. ;)

  2. I am an anonymous person


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