I'm a bit stuck though. I had this urge to write, and I'm so used to sharing pictures... I don't have any pictures to share really! Time to go find some I guess. ROFL.
I could start off with There.... yep. Talking about There. Again. LOL. Yesterday, at around 8pm, I decided to start editing the few videos I took in There. Time flew... quickly... next thing I know it's 9am. I have nooo idea how that happened, but lemme tell you - I. Am. Tired. After a few good sleeping days, a day without sleep is throwing me for a loop! lol. And wouldn't you know it, at 9am, after working 2 hours on crappily editing my last vids together for a silly video... I'm resizing the very LAST picture in the vid... and BAM. The program freezes. And I haven't saved. D'oh. I'm a bit surprised though... normally, when that happens, (not to say it's ever happened in movie maker, but it happens often when I'm messing with pics on my reeeally old photo program) I am livid. I mean, I swear, though I've also noticed that when I swear of frustration, it's always only one phrase I use, and I only use it once: "You f****** piece of s***." I say that once, then I break down and cry a bit. Then depending on the amount of time I put in to it, I will either start over right then and there, or wait a bit to calm down. (I get my temper from my mum)
But this time around, I didn't swear, or cry. It was the last of the videos to make, and I was less than a second away from finishing... and I actually took it quite well. I closed down every other program - except for the movie maker - (I was hoping it would catch up to itself and start up again) then went to run some errands. When I came back and it still hadn't fixed itself, I started over. Heee. And I made sure to save at intervals, though I didn't have a problem with it the second time around.
For anyone interested, I have a youtube page I made just for my There videos... which ended up being There and vMTV videos. (vMTV was a program that There made for MTV... but MTV was too stingy and ended up losing their clientele, and so it closed) There's 9 vids, and they're mainly just boring, but three of the videos are me wandering around Wordgrove, so you could see first hand what my favorite community in There looked like in game.
That's the user name I went with. Wish I could take the credit for it, but I wanted noxy. And they said I couldn't have noxy - DESPITE the fact that when I looked "noxy" up, I found that the account had been deleted. If the account was deleted, why can't you give me the name? Grrr. But before I could think of even adding a "ms" to the beginning, I noticed "noxyification" being one of the suggestions that I could pick. (after random ones like noxy182639 and noxynoxy) I liked it. And so my name was picked. Heee. The first video that shows up on the channel is the last video I made, the one that took two tries. It's a short video, like, a minute and a half or just over, or something like that. Less than 2 minutes. lol. Oooo and you can see the bumper cars and the carousel from the amusement park in it too. Hehe. Moving on...
I felt a sense of accomplishment in finally getting all those vids uploaded. I mean, most of them were taken in the last week of There, but there were also the vMTV vids - those were from three years ago. lol. So, with this sense of accomplishment, I felt the urge to tackle some videos that were NOT cooperating with me last I tried -the video I took of Marina's speech at the Villa Terrace last year. I spent a good hour and a half today... getting nowhere. I don't know what's wrong with that video, but it just does NOT want to fix itself in to anything manageable. I even tried breaking the video up in to one minute segments. No luck. Granted, had it worked, that would mean I would have "Marina's Speech Part 1-42" up on Youtube. lol. But I would have done it! No luck though. It still did not want to do what I wanted it to do. 'sigh
Moving onward.... I'm in a good mood today. A genuine good mood. I'm really not sure why. But I'm now afraid to sleep. What if this good mood is a one day only thing? lol.
I sent pictures of my contest entry in. And I also showed them the picture I took of the cow print box I sent it in. That's when Chad wrote back and said "oh yeah we got that one, we just had no idea who it was from..." *doh!* That's what I get. All this freaking out that it won't get there in time, and the only reason I was still freaking out is because I didn't think to add my email address, or write in Bubbles McGee somewhere, (my main email account moniker) or I could have mentioned my REAL name in my email TO them when I was asking for their address! Nope. I'm a dolt. So that weight's been lifted from my shoulders, resulting in an even better mood than the one I had before that happy email!
*dances - or would dance, if she weren't so gosh darned tired*
Uh oh... I'm back to checking the ED Forum every ten minutes. ROFL. We need a chatroom in that there forum! hahaha.
Hmmm... what next what next.... OY! I am ITCHING to share my contest entry! lol. I told myself long ago that I would wait until after the contest though, and so I shall wait. I can show this picture though I think...
*stares at her blog posts*
We needs some mo' pictures up in here!!! Oooo! I know, no harm in sharing a "fail moment" related to the entry right? lol.
Oh well. Mayhaps I shall give them to Linny to play with. lol.
Here's an older pic
Still not satisfied with the pics shown on this blog today. Hmmm....
So when I can, I get soymilk. I like Plain best, though Vanilla isn't too bad. A few weeks ago I tried rice milk, and I wasn't sure, but I thought I liked it better than soy. I couldn't be positive though, because it had been too long since I had silk to judge. Well up until a couple days ago, I was drinking silk, (until I finished it of course) and today I got Rice Dream. WOW. Yeah, I'LL SAY I like this stuff better. Yummmmm. I'm sorta afraid to drink it, I'm fearful I'll drink too much and it'll all be gone by tomorrow. ROFL. Luckily it's past 9pm here, so I'll be going to sleep shortly. Hee.
Okay, so technically speaking, I had the picture of Jimmy's inflatable pepsi display and the picture of the cookies, and that was it. So I grabbed my camera just now and snapped a pic of the crayons... but that wasn't enough, so I thought I'd share a picture of my Rice Dream too. And then I took a pic of the potato salad... for no reason at all. Hee.
ooooh i'm so hungry right now, so yes i was indeed waiting for the potato salad picture! xD
ReplyDeletei love happy noxy! ♥