Thursday, May 5, 2011

Hanko de Mayo and CommunityChannel

So another BenPals Thursday has passed, and so I have a video to share here. This week was my week, and I chose the challenge "Do a video in the style of another Youtuber." 

I did Natalie Tran, otherwise known on Youtube as CommunityChannel.

And here's the original "more info":
I chose to do my video in the style of CommunityChannel:

The songs in this video were:
Natalie Tran - We Just Touched Awkwardly (
Hank Green - I'm Gonna Kill You (

Bonus footage available here:
(Okay, technically it's just some driving bits with the audio included)

Answer to Callie's question: "Where were you when you heard the news about Bin Laden?"
I was in my dad's room - we were watching Firefly on the Science Channel, when my mom came bursting in to tell us.

She said it like "Osama Bin Laden's been captured - dead."  Which might have confused us for a moment.

Then she went on to talk about what was obviously the most important part to her, "The guy who killed him must be a billionaire now! Because there was a reward for that!"

Firefly was almost over, (ended at 10pm CST) so we finished watching that, then I went to my room and watched CNN for four hours. Saw Obama's speech twice.

Was getting annoyed at the main announcer dude, because he kept interrupting his conversations with people to listen to the crowd outside the white house by saying things like "Just to get a flavor of what's going on out there."  He said that way too much. And then he talked to someone via a phone convo, and it was hard to hear the guy, so he's like "It's hard to hear you, I know you're on speaker phone, but you should bring the speaker as close to you as possible when you're talking."  To which the guy responds, "Actually no, I'm not using speakerphone..."

It's like, um, stupid main talky dude, what the hell is wrong with you? Twice during the time I watched him, he mentions it's hard to hear someone, then gives "helpful" suggestions on how to fix the problem, like he knows everything. How about you just go with what everyone else does when there's a similar problem, and stay general? "Oh, it appears we're having trouble hearing you congressman, could you speak up?" 

Or "We'll go back to so and so because it appears we're having trouble with the audio at the moment." instead of "Your audio is bad, maybe we need to get you a different microphone - since there's so much noise around you, a handheld might be best."

But now I'm totally off subject. Where was I when I found out? Was watching Firefly.

The italicized bit was decidedly cut out of the final bit. lol.

And yeah... so what had happened was... a while back, when it was decided that each BenPal would have a turn at issuing a challenge, one of the BenPals decided she wanted to issue a "Make a spoof of another Youtuber's video!" challenge. And so, thinking ahead, (It was not yet her turn to choose the challenge) I wanted to "spoof" Natalie. I had something on my mind that I could use as a "You know what I hate?" too.

I always go the speed limit/five over, and people are ALWAYS passing me. Seriously. Two years ago, when I drove up to Wisconsin, and hit the border, the limit went from 55mph to 70mph. AND PEOPLE WERE STILL PASSING ME. While I was going 70!!!! WTF?!

So yeah, I made a storyboard, and contacted my buddy Mingo, because I'd realized I would not be able to do this video alone.

We went out one day before she had to work to film it. Then.... then.... the BenPal's turn came around... and she changed her challenge to a question.  D'oh. So I sat on the footage I'd filmed. Waited to see if the challenge might show up. It didn't. And so I issued my own challenge. I decided that the video I decided on was more "in the style of" than "spoof".  So I changed it slightly. And then filmed the rest of it last Saturday night, once I'd finished the Hank card. Teehee.

On to the Hank card... did you see it? Teehee! I loved it so, I sorta almost didn't want to send it. I wanted to keep Humpy Hank for meself. lol.

There he is!

The black square he's humping is actually a window that happens to be blank for those pictures. The window can be filled with one of five cards...

That's the card I left in it when I sent it. The flame on the candle glows in the dark. lol.

And there's a corndog one. I realize this one looks a little... inappropriate. But eh, it personally just makes me giggle uncontrollably.

And peeps, another one that needed to be done.

And this was the last card I painted. Originally, I had planned on trying to draw the characters of Firefly... but um... little minecraft characters turned out to be easier. Ha.

I know I mentioned five cards, but only show four. It's because the last one is blank. It has photo corners attached to it, so that Hank can put whatever he'd like in the window.

I still wanted to send him something Firefly related, so of course I made him a hat. I think I mentioned this earlier,  but I didn't know if he had one already, so I wrote on the bag that if he did have one, he was welcome to give this one away to another Browncoat.

And here's packaged Kyootee Hank:
Kyootee Hank was sent too.

And so... yeah... I sent the package out Monday. MONDAY! And I blogged about it. Was supposed to take five days. But it got there got to Hank in time for his birthday! I was really happy to hear it, got a text from my BenPal Jaine letting me know he was wearing the hat and showing the card on a live Youtube show. Which was sad because I was actually out and missed the live show.

But Jaine found a screenie for me of the moment:

And then another lovely person took a screenie too:

And I also liked seeing Hank's pic of all the cards on his desk.

I can seeeee mine's. lol. :)

And then my buddy Brenna texted me that John Green reblogged my original post to effyeahnerdfighters. Heeee.

I am still a bit bummed I missed the live show. Heaven knows I'd have been screenshotting the mess out of it. lol. I also wish Youtube live shows were recorded. You'd THINK that would make sense, since most of Youtube is videos. Oh wells though, I did get those screenies. Teehee.

So I started writing this sometime in the afternoon, and am finishing it twelve hours later because I left mid way. lol. Eh. Hehe. :)


  1. I have some more screen shots I can send you next time we're on skype! Great blog post!

  2. I was just sitting in my room quietly reading this blog when I got to the part with Hank humping the corn dog at which point I literally burst out laughing.

  3. Hahahaha in his video he was so excited to make himself hump the corn dog!! =)


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