A tiny icon today. IT'S PEANUT BUTTER JELLY TIME!!! PEANUT BUTTER JELLY TIME!!!!! ... Ahem... that is all.
Previous posts:
Planning on Catching Up
Visiting My Old Teacher
Playing with Glue
A Book I Read
Another noxyism to share:
I thought this one was funny, because it reminds me of an online friend of mine. When he first met me, it was in There. Apparently he thought I didn't really exist. I had my little box on the outskirts of the community we lived in, mutual friends talked about me every now and again, and I had some short stories scattered about, but he'd never met me. Began to think I was just a figment of the imagination. A There ghost. Until one day I decided to leave There open. Sometimes I'd sit my lady down in her box and she'd listen to 80's music while I had other windows open. He (we'll call him Bob) happened to be hover boarding around, and saw her sitting there and said hello. I happened to be looking at the screen as he did so I was able to respond. Bob FREAKED OUT. He assumed that the one time he actually got a glimpse of "the noxy", that she'd be afk. He then wrote a short story about meeting the "legendary" noxy. It was cute. We've since gone our separate ways (we're both fairly antisocial) but we do still consider each other friends, and drop an email occasionally.
Okay, so this post is titled for the Jamboree and the failed meeting, but I'm going to throw in one pic that doesn't relate. I had to take it. I was so puzzled.
Yeah... so this is a library book. It's Boy Meets Boy by David Levithan. What am I taking a pic of? The note. "Bite marks noted". Um... excuse me? Bite marks?? Seeing this note made me immediately shuffle through to find said bite marks, but I must not have been looking very well, because I couldn't find any. Bite marks. Hmm... who on earth bites a book? Are we talking like, a person biting the book? Cuz I couldn't find any bug bites either. I want to know what bites are noted!!!
Okay, moving on... (6/5)
So on June 5th, my friends and I had an outing planned. It was a "see ya soon" outing, because Sara was going away for a month or so, on vacation with her family. We went to the Q101 Jamboree 2010. Apparently, that was the first Q101 Jamboree in ten years.
I braided my hair just for fun. It was more out of boredom. I couldn't sleep that night, so I skipped it. The lady at the gas station called them "horse braids". She said her sister used to do them all the time when they were young. I had no idea they were called that, but it makes sense. I've seen horses with this braid style more often than people.
There are our tickets. Heh. My dad had to use my car that day, so I ended up getting a ride form my mom over to Sara's.
We stopped at an IHOP for breakfast, already late, and ended up having to wait another hour for the rest of our group to get to IHOP too. Then we had to eat. Then we were on our way!
And here's the parking lot from the view of our car. There were lots of rocks and puddles. So not fun.
That's Sara, her sister Ali, and Ali's boyfriend Ivan. While waiting for the other two peeps, Ivan complained that I took too many candid shots of people. "Why not just ask them?" Well, sadly, it's become a force of habit to take candids. It started in high school. No one ever wanted their pictures taken! I'd hold the camera up and say "smile!" and they'd turn away or hide their face. One or two folks doing that? Fine. But no, it was almost everyone. And that just didn't work for me. I wanted pictures dammit. So candids became my thing. I explained this to him, and they agreed to take a normal picture, just to go against the grain. lol.
Right after this pic, I saw an old friend from high school pass by. It was weird, seeing someone I know in the huge crowd of strangers, no where near home. I should have taken a pic of him, but I was too busy looking puzzled and pointing at him. Ha.
Um... I'm not entirely sure why I took this, but I like it. lol.
Just around the corner from everyone. Oh geeze. Big crowds freak me out. I was having an anxiety attack.
Okay, so the people in front of us bothered me. The guy kept leaning towards his girl, and GETTING IN MY EFFING WAY. This is the guy's sleeve. It had gunk on it. Not being able to see the stage, I was left to wonder what this gunk was.
My ticket! Sooo glad we didn't have lawn seats, cuz at around 10 or 11pm, there was a crazy storm. We only got partially damp - from the rain blowing in via wind. There was a tornado warning that night, and it was right before the last band.
Okay, so they'd have about 15-20minutes per band, then half an hour break... if I remember right. That's for the early bands. The later, bigger bands got more time. Most of the early bands weren't as big, so folks stayed seated. But not these people. This was my view most of the time. Why wasn't I standing too? I skipped sleep that night. I was sooooooooooo incrediblyyy tireddd. I actually napped for a few of the bands' sets and breaks. Sara was flabbergasted that I could sleep during the loud music and screaming. If you're tired enough, you sleep. So I wasn't too upset when these people kept getting in the way. They stood, I napped. Ha. It wasn't until I was more awake that I started getting annoyed.
Coheed and Cambria. Dunno if you know them. I only know one of their songs, and that's only because I was a huge fan of Rock Band, (xbox 360 game) and they had a song on there. And I actually liked it. So I was curious to find out if I'd like any of their other songs. I didn't. Neither did my friends. They didn't even like the song I liked. This pic is Sara's phone. She was so bored during C&C's set that she started texting... everyone in our group. This was her text to her sister. I found it hilarious, so I took a pic. The quote is Stewie from Family Guy. Hee.
When I was little, I had a phobia of public restrooms. It was sad. Two years in a row, my class (in fifth grade, then when we moved, my sixth grade) spent 3 days and 2 nights at a camp. I did not use the restroom during those trips. I limited my liquid intake. But that's... probably TMI. LoL. As a result of this phobia, I don't have to use the bathroom very often. This entire day, I went once.
And when I went, I found someone's cell phone. I didn't want to just leave it there. I felt bad. Not to mention the stall I was in had a leak in the roof, and it was dripping right near it. I've had too many phone deaths due to liquid, so I didn't want to just leave this one to die. So I took it with me back to my seat. There's Tim and Trishie trying to figure out how/who to contact to get this phone back to its owner. I figured if we couldn't find a way, I'd hand it to a staff person, and they could handle it. They couldn't find anything, so I was planning on keeping it until the next break. But the lady's sister called it, and I answered. I couldn't say/hear much, because it was during a set, so it was too loud. But I managed to text the number, and meet them to give the phone back.
The phone owner was so happy she bought me a beer. lol. I normally don't drink beer. As in, never. But I made an exception, cuz I wasn't allowed to bring water with me, and I was thirsty.
On with the show. I didn't take many pictures of previous bands, cuz I knew not who they were, or was sleeping. lol. But that up there is Papa Roach. Technically, I did take some video of some of the songs/bands, but eh.
One more of PR. We were pretty far back, so a lot of my pictures just didn't come out very well.
And there's Seether.
And there's a pic of them without any zoom. You can see the guy with the baseball hat is the annoying dude. For a short time, he pissed off his girlfriend somehow, and they kept their distance from each other and it was lovely. But alas, that did not last. Around this time, I was recording one of the songs I knew, and my camera battery warned me it was almost dead. Such a bummer.
As I said previously, it started STORMING right after Seether, and there was a tornado warning. I think a tornado even touched ground a few towns away. The 30 minute break was longer after Seether. People started wondering if the last band would even play. They did though. That's Three Days Grace. With FIRE. Heh heh.
FIIIIRE!!! Weee. Fire is fun. Pretty too.
All in all, it was a fun day. It would have been funner had I been able to stay awake during it, but eh. I was awake by the end. I think I liked Seether's set better than Three Days Grace, but TDG had FIRE. Heh heh.
This... is the back of Tim's mustang. I was still tired, and I stared at that car for so long, I started seeing a face. See it? The red tail lights are the eyes. The little circle in the middle the nose. The shadow the bottom bumper thing makes is a mustache, and the license plate was the mouth. The mustache made the face look italian to me, and so during our drive I named it Luigi and took some pictures. Most came out real blurry.
Our job was to follow Timmy home, because we'd forgotten to print out returning directions. Ivan had a GPS, but Sara wanted to use the Tim Tim instead. Only she lost him in a turn! And we freaked out. Ivan had turned off his GPS, so we were driving blind for a while. It was hilarious, because when everyone gets tired, everyone gets extra goofy and hysterical. After a while driving with the GPS, Sara noticed a familiar face - Luigi!! Ivan suggested we not start following him though - until we confirmed that this was, in fact, Luigi, and not just another mustang. Luckily, one of the pics I took of Luigi before we lost him had the license plate number on it, and we were able to confirm. Phew! lol.
After the two hour drive back, we stopped for dollar menu mickey d's. I didn't get home until around 4am.
Last pic of the night. Sara and Chase. You remember Chase?
Chase has gotten a tiny bit bigger since September. lol.
(6/6) So when I got home, I decided to check my email before passing out for three days straight. My original thoughts of sleep diminished in the mail though. I got a message from my ED Forum friend Ruth that she and our other forum friend mayple were meeting in Chicago that following morning! She asked if I might be able to join them! Hoorah! A chance to see my forum friends! I'd met Ruth last year at Marina's first solo show in Wisconsin, and would love to see her now, and to meet Yren, her ED. And mayple's from Australia, so I doubt many chances to meet her come up very often. I think I got all of two hours sleep. lol. I woke up bright and early so that I could bake cookies - I didn't want to go empty handed! I also sent a message to Ruth to tell her I'd try and be there. In hindsight I should have asked for maybe a cell phone number or some other way to reach her.
I took Linny with me, and up in that paper bag was where I stashed the cookies. I also made little clay goodies for Yren and Fern - even though Fern didn't come with mayple. I left right on time, but there was crazy traffic, which made me anxious.
There I am, looking terrible if I do say so myself. So... beyond tired. lol. But excited!
It was bright and lovely out on the way there. Up ahead you can see the beginnings of the traffic I hit.
And there's Chicago!! Almost there!!
But no. No happy day here. I got to the park, but there was no parking. My idea was to turn around at the lights, and make another pass. I got lost. It took me forever to find my way back to the road I needed. And once I found it, I turned the wrong way, and it took me a while to realize I had turned the wrong way. (I have no sense of direction.) By then it started to rain. When I finally made it to the park, I was late, and they were gone. I wandered around for an hour or so, hoping I might find them elsewhere, but no such luck. I wasn't surprised though, I was lost for hours. It started pouring just as I reached my car, and that hid my tears of frustration and sleep deprivation.
The drive home. Much darker than the drive there. Fit my mood.
This was taken when I almost got home. I thought it was interesting to see the rain coming from a distance.
So yeah. That was that weekend. I came home that day and tweeted my frustration. annina was kind enough to point me to the ED Forum to cheer me up. Turns out I had won one of the last celebration contests.
I thought I had taken pics of the book, but apparently I didn't. So I just took a couple:
I have two quotes in it.
"ED's have inspired an obsession within me that is greater and more powerful than any other obsession I've ever had."
Totally and completely true. I get obsessed rather easily, but ED's are the only ones to stick around for so long. Normally my obsessions are whims. It looks like ED's are here for the long haul.
"The overall quality in Marina's dolls is overwhelmingly apparent in comparison to others. They don't compare."
Also true. I've yet to find a doll that can hold a candle to ED's.
I love this book. It's so nice to have. I keep it near me and peruse it often. I love seeing the pictures of Nayana and Chandra. *sigh* Finding out I won this book did cheer me up greatly, but I was still very sad to have missed my chance to meet mayple and Yren for the first time, and Ruth again.
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