Pretty woman, walking down the street. Pretty woman, the kind I'd like to meet. Pretty woman. I like this movie. Hehe. I actually don't much care for the song, it's one of those songs that can get stuck in your head easily, and is always unwelcome there.
More like noxy, since 1985. But hey, whatever.
I've caught up! WOOT!!! So, here's the links to all the catch up posts:
Planning on Catching Up
Visiting My Old Teacher
Playing with Glue
A Book I Read
Jamboree and Failed Meeting
A Bird Bath Project
A Clean Room
Sled Run
Game Cube and N64
A Short Post
Hanging with People
Hanging with Online Friends
Step Up 3D and Whatnot
And now... moving on!!
The room is clean. I'm still actively looking for a job, though my chances are slim. Apparently, more and more places are doing credit checks. And my credit is as bad as it can get. The only upside is that many places allow you to apply online, and it takes only minutes for them to do said credit check and respond with "sorry no, but we'll keep your info on file...". Sigh. I did it to myself, so I have no excuse to complain. It's just sad. I mean, when you have bad credit, isn't the whole point of wanting a job to pay off the bad credit?! Ugh.
My family got a gym membership. It's a 24hr gym too, so it's great, since I don't like people. It's nothing big and fancy, also something I like. A bit bright though. It was between this place and a darker lit one, but I was the only one who liked that one. Majority rules. lol. I've been going a lot, just to use the treadmill so far, but eventually I'll try some of the other equipment too. Well, I've tried some already, but went back to the treadmill. It's far easier to read and walk than read and do crunches. ROFL. First things first! :D
Ooo! So yesterday I mentioned an ED Forum contest. It was to depict or explain your dream house for your ED/ED2b. I entered with the Neuschwanstein Castle, because it's always stood out to me, as far as castles go. And shouldn't ED's have a lovely castle to live in??
It reminds me of Hyrule Castle, which is a castle from the Zelda video game franchise.
That's a pic of Hyrule in Super Smash Brothers. I'm not even sure why the first reminds me of the second. They don't look much alike to me, but still, I associate the two.
Anyhoo, that was, again, back in May. A few days ago, I was watching Ace of Cakes, and surprise!! They were asked to make a cake in the shape of the Neuschwanstein Castle for a wedding! I was like, no way! lol.
There it is! Crappy tv photos I know, sorry. But I had to share! Hehe. :D
And an update on my finger: my lovely and incredibly smart ED Forum Friend Annina suggested that I actually gave my finger a friction burn as well as just skinning it. Which, explains the burn blisters and makes sense to me. Some finger pictures:
August 11:
August 12th
August 13th
August 14th
August 15th
August 16th
August 17th
August 18th
I feel like it's FINALLY beginning to heal. I cannot believe that one 20 second action could cause so much trouble.
Moving on, as for what I shall be doing now? I'm keeping an eye out for babysitting jobs, and I'm planning on working on clay dolls again. A slightly different way to go about them.
I got these lovely books a few months ago from my ED Forum Friend, Jayne.
Okay, let's brag about Jayne for a bit, shall we? She has this etsy site with these tiny stuffed creatures, and they are ADORABLE! She has 9 items listed, and I am in love with three of them. lol. So let's show them here, shall we?
This is the miniature alpaca artist bear. Might be my favorite of my favorite three. lol. He's just so happily adorable.
This is Rudey Nudey Bare Bear. Heee!
And this is Dragonfly. I normally don't like bugs, but I think I can deal with this fly. Tee hee. If only I had money, at least one of these cuties would be right here with me. But at least I can still stare at their cute pictures. lol.
Anyhoo, back to the books. While I was reading the first one, I came across a part that explained my feelings perfectly.
Ultimately, the creative fires burn too hotly to be quenched for long by using another's work, legitimately or otherwise. A tiny voice inside the new artist says, "I, ...I NEED to make a doll that is truly original to ME!
It's exactly how I feel. My previous dolls, although I truly do feel they are mine originally, I did keep in mind many other dolls while making them, ED's in particular. This time around, I'm doing this all by myself, and seeing how well that works. Naturally, those same dolls will probably still be in mind when I'm making my new doll, but I won't rely so heavily upon them.
I think this time, before I make another doll, I'm going to practice facial features first. So this new doll will be months in the making. And the kicker? I will likely not share progress photos until she's finished. Because that's just how I am. While I love seeing the progress of others, I personally don't like showing my own until I've completed the project. I suppose I'm afraid of "jinxing" it. Posting a picture and saying "Hey! Look at this!!" Only to find out I eventually trashed the idea. lol. I'd much rather do the project, then post the pics. Or, if I've trashed an idea, decide then if I want to share the pics I may or may not have taken. Eh.
A problem with my want to play with clay? I need healthy fingers!!! I must wait until my finger is healed, because I don't want to do anything that might reopen the wound, or contaminate my clay.
So in the mean time, I'm continuing to read. And I'm well, blogging. Though now that I'm finally caught up, I might not be blogging every single day. lol. I'm also thinking of changing the theme of my blog. I love the black and the darkness and the glowing blue flowers, but it's been over a year... mayhaps it's time for a change. I'm thinking pink and brown. lol. But we'll see.
And I'm drawing. Even with all the posters I have in my room (there's seven normal sized- 33"x22", and two theater sized- 40"x27") there's still too much white space. So I'm going to start drawing pictures to put up. lol. I have two that aren't finished yet, and three or four that are still in my head. They won't be poster sized. They'll either be 10"x10", 8"x12", or 8"x14". Why those sizes specifically? Cuz those are the only sizes of paper I have. lol. I don't want to make a multi-sheeted picture and tape them together. I don't like that idea. Oh, and I drew a new deviantArt ID which... I'd drawn weeks ago, but I hadn't put up yet.. until a couple days ago. lol. This is my old one:
And here's my new one:
I just didn't feel retro anymore. lol. And lastly... I got a webcam. Probably about a month ago, and it's a cheapo one.. but I wanted to get one because one of my online friends asked if I'd be interested in doing a collab youtube vlog channel. I'd never vlogged before, so I was interested, but didn't have a camera. I got one and then the person told me the plans had fallen through. I was.... relieved. Because I was beginning to wonder why the hell I would want to try to vlog in the first frickin' place. But then... the plans are being planned again... and it's possible the collab might actually happen... and it's also possible I've changed my mind... I might give it a try...
For those who don't know what collab channels are, they're one youtube account, usually shared by five people, but at least two people, else it's not a collab. Each person gets one day of the week, and they must vlog on that given day, else they face a "punishment" (normally just some silly form of humiliation). The point of a collab? Not sure. To not be alone in the world of vlogging maybe? People blog, all the time now, and there are more and more vloggers out there... so many that very few are ever even noticed anymore - sort of like bloggers. I think the point of having a collab channel is to have people notice. I mean, if you're a part of a channel with five people, you'd have at least four people noticing you. And if five different people are sharing their thoughts on one channel, as opposed to one person sharing nothing but their own thoughts, maybe the collab channel will be more interesting. There are of course exceptions to this thought, though most of the exceptions established themselves before the vlog craze, and so got their fans before people were sick of vloggers.
"Famous" examples of vloggers: the Vlogbrothers are a collab of two. FiveAwesomeGirls are a collab of.. well, five. (Actually, "FiveAwesome" has become the standard beginning of most collab channel names.) Philip de Franco is an example of a lone vlogger who got famous before vlogging was a big thing.
So yeah, the collab channel will probably happen, and I might "audition" for a spot. I chatted with two people who will be a part of the channel for sure, and then there's one more person who'll be a part of it by default, which leaves two spots, or "days" open. I was the one who suggested their name, and I've been brainstorming with them, but I accept the fact that I'm not part of the "for sure" days, mainly because since I've never blogged, I don't know if I'll be good enough to. So I'm happy to audition along with anyone else interested. I think I may prefer it that way. If I'm good enough, they'll accept me, and if not, at least I'll know I tried. Ha. I'll still watch their channel too. Gotta show support. lol.
But then... this is all... well, it all depends. On whether I change my mind yet again about whether I want to be a part of it. And when their auditions will be (since from what I know, the channel won't be starting until November).
Then - you should know - if I do choose to try out, and I'm actually successful and get a day, I will probably privatize this blog. There's a setting for "permissions" and I'd probably change the permissions to "only allow people I choose to view this". While I love blogging, and at the moment would like to try vlogging, I'm not entirely sure I want the two intermixed quite yet. I mean, I don't mind my blog readers knowing I vlog, but maybe not vice versa. I dunno, we'll see. I think it'll probably be a while for any of this to come to fruition, since the channel is set to begin in November anyway. Eh.
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