But before I share my absolutely amazingly amazing and awesomely awesome abilities, let's share a couple pictures of Pitbull and other stuffs.
Last night, instead of going out just to use the bathroom, (which he rarely does anyway, he prefers to go inside. He uses outside time to play) he chose to play in some mud. The above picture is his reaction to Nuba scolding him.
I am telling you: I may be getting attached to Pitbull, but seriously, the only thing he's got going for him is how adorable he looks. Not the brightest crayon in the box.
So Hanko de Mayo is coming up. For those unawares of this event, it is Hank Green's birthday. Last year, we all planted plants all over the world. This year, the plan is to send him birthday cards. It seems as though John (his brother) has also suggested that instead of spending three dollars on a card at the store, that we instead make the card ourselves and drop a dollar inside. Then Hank can choose where to donate all the money he receives. The "dollar" translates to a bill of monetary value basically, so those who don't live in the US need not find a US dollar to drop, they can use their own country's currencies.
Last year, I made Hank a gift as well. But he didn't have a PO Box, so I couldn't send it anywhere, and it has since just been chilling here with me. But now that we are sending tangible items, a PO Box has presented itself, and I can now send my gift! Hooray!
If you're interested in sending Hank a birthday card, you may do so to this address:
Hank Green
P. O. Box 807
Elyria, OH 44036-0807
Nerdfighters who know Hank and John, you are correct, Hank lives in Montana. And John lives in Indiana, though at the moment he's living in Amsterdam. And yes, the PO Box is in Ohio. It is because a nerdfighter, at John's request, set up the PO Box. She lives in Ohio, and she will be forwarding all the mail to Hank. You'd think it'd be easier to choose a nerdfighter in... oh I dunno, Montana? But eh.
Another thing folks are doing, are "Who the eff is Hank" videos.
Some background on that inside joke, early on in the vlogbrothers history, random people would see John's videos. He always started them with a "Good Morning Hank, it's ____day!" And as a result, people would ask who Hank was.
So "Who the eff is Hank?" became a running joke, and is answered in various ways, usually by saying "Hank is..." followed by a definition of another person/thing/whatever.
So one person is rounding up everyone's video responses to that question. Wanna participate?
Post a video response to this video.
This one's mine:
And in case you don't get it, it's Barack Obama who's the 44th president and looks like the bartender from Rick Astley's music video. I chose that fact in the hopes that people would look up the music video, and sorta get Rick Roll'd... but they can't look away because they're looking for the bartender. Nyah hahaha.
OKAY, moving onward.
Today is Thursday, and so it is BenPal day for me. This week was just to do your happy dance somewhere that's not your bedroom. (A happy dance is - SURPRISE - the dance you do when you're happy) My happy dance is actually pretty short and boring, (I've had my happy dance waaaaaaay longer than when John and Hank first coined the term, so why change it now?) so I ended up just dancing. In a penguin costume. The original idea was to dance around in a parking lot somewhere, but in the end, I just got lazy. lol
The very first dance I do (around 27 seconds in) is my happy dance.
day 28 - a song that makes you feel guilty
A what now? How can a song make you feel guilt-- oh wait. I know one.
Sarah McLachlan - Angel
This song will now and forever remind me of the animal cruelty commercial. I cried the first time I saw it, and have since felt guilty for changing the channel every time I hear that music start. I was a part of the ASPCA when I was still working, but no longer, since I couldn't afford to donate anymore.
Now please excuse me while I go make a birthday card. Teehee.
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