Friday, April 15, 2011

That can be my next tweet

It's the 15th. That's halfway, right? Right? Almost done with this BEDA thinger.


Have you heard of it?

You put in your twitter name and click "get your next tweet"... and happiness ensues. According to the site: "This page generates your future tweets based on the DNA of your existing messages."
I used it a bunch of times yesterday for tweets, but felt like I was probably spamming, so I stopped posting them. Doesn't mean I stopped using the site though... lol. Here's a bunch of my faves:

  1. Oh dear goodness- this over and he beat her, but I have to go bar hoppin'. fun sword to you.
  2. PHEW! Thought I'd seen the 30daysongchallenge, which i might. mayhaps... mayhaps... mayhaps... mayhaps...
  3. I envy little Henry. John has pink cows on the cold.
  4. Hehe yay!!!
  5. Watching Jennifer's Body... is so much.  finished Jennifer's Body. Meh.
  7. Seriously though... I like your pain yo.
  8. *tries not to find shelter. one else was happy birthday!! My Finding Nemo poster won't kill you...
  9. Note: if your ability to see the time. help my puter down til I like your ability to come along. Ha.
  10. Ooooooh sleep, fuck you. Sincerely, me hate you. You used to see the cops.
  11. Dream joy anyone?
  12. Yep. Sounds bout right! Just mistakened my buddies love my bad, was too late.
  13. My library just submitted my main reason for AFTER I'm already wishing Fivel died.
  14. Check out about ALL you know. watching the best book out about the websites I'm sorry I'm William Riker.
  15. Shhhhhhhhhhh.. i'm writing one now. :D I'm only be awkward. just sent me my mind has like, poking!
  16. I am so beyond cute. Is it was like I'm no worries. I could include the cold.
  17. CONGRATS!!! I think up in and it might be one of those... types". lol why am i still awake.
  18. Bleh, ditto.
  19. Did you to bug him to talk about half and left. you'll win. totally. Rootin for me to wake up with 30vids!
  20. I bought 190ft of obscurity. I'm cheating. lol. I'm sorry I'm already got strength.
  21. So sleepy. not be for me right back at all. got mine! Dear sleep, noxy - you wouldn't - then I gotta.
  22. Watchin Dr Horrible's sing a banana peel... and more live John for a fan. yay ED dress!
  23. Rofl. well... you wouldn't - you ate? omg I know I see. currently watching Now and couldn't be bothered!
  24. Goodnight world will never be offended. This may i found another. meh poor daddeh was like um, what?
  25. And tell Calle I been decided. Marcel's Quantum Kitchen is the logical step for Swedish 'beach bum' job -!
  26. Minecraft you abandon me? may not mine. and stuff. CONGRATS aneemal!!! *hugs!

Okay okay alright! I'll stop. But seriously, I've been entertained by this. A lot. I especially like numbers 3, 7, 18, 20, and 26. Mainly, because those sound almost like tweets I actually would tweet myself. lol.

27. I scale back to write when a tornado comes. 

Okay! Stopping. Swear. lol.

day 15 - a song that describes you

Um... that's... interesting... wow... put me on the spot... like... hmmm....

Meredith Brooks - Bitch

ROFLMAO... okay... so not all the lyrics explain me. But a lot of them do. I'm a bit of everything. So there.

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