Stop looking so damn happy cake! Mocking me with your happiness. I'll have none of that! UNACCEPTABLE!!
Er... um... yeah so hey, how's it going there? Me? Well, not so well. Just not... feelin' it today folks. This might be a short post.
A few weeks ago my dad and I went to c2e2, and while someday in the future I do plan on blogging about such, today I shall only share a tiny bit. While wandering the expo, we stumbled across a stall that was selling swords. Which, you know, are cool. But then my dad saw the Bat'leth. A Bat'leth, for those who did not click the link to the wiki, is a Klingon battle weapon. (Star Trek) Apparently, upon first seeing a Bat'leth, (Sometime during the series The Next Generation) my dad wanted one. But at the time, was unable to find one that was affordable. It got thrown on to the "maybe someday" list, and lost for years... until c2e2. He saw it there, and originally dismissed it, thinking it would still be too expensive. But lo and behold, this particular one was within his price range, and he was able to get his "maybe someday". He was so excited to get it. He sent a mass email to all his friends about it, along with a picture. This one:
About a week later he made a stand for it to sit on his desk:
And this past Friday, while Mingo and I were wandering through a thrift store, we came across a Klingon bank. It was decided that this needed to come home with me, to sit by the Bat'leth. When my dad was out of his room, I snuck it in.
Somehow, I felt he might notice it pretty quickly, but eh. He did. He liked it and was surprised we found one at a thrift store. He also decided that my initial decision to stick him right in front of the Bat'leth was the right one, and so the Klingon dude shall stay right there. lol. I'm gonna be honest here, while TNG was probably my favorite Star Trek series, (Though I don't think I ever gave Deep Space Nine a chance) I cannot personally identify this Klingon. It could be Worf I guess. Actually, it most likely IS Worf, as he's sort of a main character on that show, but I'm afraid I might be wrong. What if it's some other random Klingon? Meh.
Anyhoo, check out this dude's hair:
We were at Denny's Friday night, and the dude's hair really bothered me. From afar, where I was, (I zoomed majorly for this picture) it looked almost like an ugly faux fur hat. Ha. I really wish I'd gotten a picture of one of his friends. Guy was wearing a pair of skin tight pants that were two different kinds of plaid material, like half and half... except for one section right on a butt cheek, where it was leopard print. Wow. Talk about sexy. (that last sentence is major sarcasm, just in case anyone was wondering.)
OH NOES it's so windy out it's tearing down my Finding Nemo poster! MAYDAY!! MAYDAY!!!!
Phew. Crisis averted.
Last picture to share:
It's a bunny. Ha. Bunny was chillin' outside Denny's when we left.
That night, around 2am, Mingo, Trishie and I went to the playground just across the way. And played. Seriously. I haven't actually played on a playground since like... high school. lol. But that was like, 8 years ago! I'm so sore right now. Not used to physical activity. Ha.
So yesterday I mentioned I was a Psych fan. I looove that show. It's like, number three on my list of favorite shows. (1 being NCIS and 2 being Castle. And we're not counting Firefly, because this list is for shows that are still around.) And I was soooo looking forward to seeing the new season start up in the summer! (Their season finale was last December.) But nooooo. Apparently, stupid effin' USA has decided to move the damned premiere to fall! What the heck?! So mean. So mean.
Okay, ending with the song stuff.
day 10 - a song that makes you fall asleep
Aw man... I um... used to know one... shoot. The problem is, I don't have it. I saved it once in a playlist that I don't think I have anymore... I can't remember the name of it, I know it was inspired by the movie Twilight and it's from a couple years ago... and nowadays, you search "song inspired by twilight" on Youtube, and you get a whooooole lot of results. BAH! I can't remember the name of it! This will drive me crazy now....
Kat Tingey - Undone
Now don't hate the song just cuz you hate the fact that it's inspired by Twilight. It's a beautiful song.
Dammit. I think I have to take down my Nemo poster. If I just close my window it will get waaay too hot in here. Drat it all.
There for MacOS Version 2.5.25898
As usual, as an Alpha release, it probably has many, many bugs, and may not
work at all! If you were added for this round of testing you’ll get an
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1 month ago
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