Howdy howdy. Howdy howdy howdy. Howdy. Okay, now that I've got that out of my system... how's you? Me? I'm... ehhhhhhh... this marks day two of the six day cleanse. I am... feeling hungry. lol. SO LET'S NOT THINK ABOUT IT PEOPLE! STOP REMINDING ME OF FOOD!
Um... yeah... probably a short post today.
So Saturday, for Mingo's birthday celebration, we all went to Texas Road House, or something like that, which is a restaurant, and Saddle Up, which is a club/bar.
I had a slice of apple pie, which I should have taken a picture of, but the only pic I have to share from the restaurant is this:
A jackalope. Ha. HA. It was so fluffy I had to take a picture of it.
And then there's pics of us once we arrived at the club.
Yayness. It was fun. I'm not much of a dancer, but I sorta swayed and/or bobbed my head to various beats.
day 19 - a song from your favorite album
Favorite... album? Like, album album? Er... uh... well gosh... okay... um.... we'll say... um... no... okay... wait... oh wtf. I don't pay attention to albums anymore. Albums... albums... huh. HUH. We'll just... pick an album I like... and...
Backstreet Boys - How Did I Fall In Love With You
Okay so they're now touring with New Kids on the Block... and they're going to be in Chicago next month... and we're totally going to see them!!! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH!! I'm so incredibly beyond excited. I've never seen them in concert, though I've always wanted to. So excited. OMG.
There for MacOS Version 2.5.25898
As usual, as an Alpha release, it probably has many, many bugs, and may not
work at all! If you were added for this round of testing you’ll get an
email wi...
1 month ago
Sometimes I wonder if your wardrobe consists of only Tobuscus shirts :P