Holy bejeebus, I made it. To day two. Okay, you don't understand how hard this was for me. Last night, we changed routers and the internet exploded. Okay, maybe not "exploded", but it did stop working. And I was all like "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! I only did one day of BEDA! ONE DAY!!!" The last time our internet died, it was also on a Friday, and we couldn't get it fixed until the following Tuesday. I was making mental plans to visit my friend to borrow her internets just so I could post a beda blog. ha. But no need! Because it is fixed!! WOOT! It only took over 4 hours, but it IS fixed. And I am able to continue BEDA in the comfort of my own home. Ha!
Moving on.
Continuing the 30 day song thinger... day 02 - your least favorite song
Hmm... this... is... tough. Because, as a rule... I don't try to remember songs I hate... so lemme think...
and I still can't think of one... so I'm just going to go with an overplayed song that I can't stand anymore. Plenty of those. You see, some songs, I can listen to over and over, literally on repeat, and literally for days at a time. (same goes for some movies) Others? Not so much.
Bruno Mars - Just the Way You Are
When I first heard this song, I was like, omg this is adorable! Then I was stuck in the car for half a day listening to "top 40" radio stations.....
yeah, not so much anymore. The one part - "When I see YOUR FACE!" Makes me cringe.
It didn't help that not a week after I grew to hate the song, I was stuck at a jiffy lube where the receptionist dude had it as a ringtone.... and left his phone while wandering off doing errands. And no, not the song - JUST. THAT. PART.
"When I see YOUR FACE!"
*two or three notes, then a pause*
"When I see YOUR FACE!"
*two or three notes, then a pause*
"When I see YOUR FACE!"
*two or three notes, then a pause*
"When I see YOUR FACE!"
*bashes head against wall full of tires*
Yep. There we go. A lovely song I happen to hate.
So my lovely internet friend and fellow BEDA attempter, Joyfulgirl42, sent me a list of topics to blog about. There's about 9 things on the list, and it beats my current list of... nothing. Ha. I fail. Anyhoo, I was going to write about one now... but decided mayhaps I should wait on that. For like, when I've nothing to write about. But then, right now, I have nothing to write about so....
Okay, you convinced me.
Explaining my username.
My username is noxy... or ms. noxy, (msnoxy) which is short for noxzimbyp.
In senior year of high school, I was in a sculptures and crafts class. It was more "crafts" than it was "sculptures". A project we had to do involved sheets of metal. We had to make a design, cut it out of metal, then etch the detailing in.
I did not want to do this project. So when it came to making the design, I ended up doodling a little gangsta alien, or gangstalien - baggy shirt and pants, chains, backwards cap, sunglasses, the works. Then I planned on sitting there not doing anything. But the teacher came by and I thought I should probably continue working, so I got to cutting a copper sheet to fit the outline of my alien.
But by the time I finished cutting him out, I no longer liked him. Not the metal outline, but the doodle. His outfit bothered me. I did not like my ghetto alien. I looked down at my outlined copper alien. I decided I liked it just the way it was, without the crappy detailing to draw attention to it.
And so I kept him. Just the way he was.
In hindsight, I should have kept him and made something else. Not for the grade, because the teacher had already given me an A, (I was in a disruptive class, therefore she assumed anyone who was silent and working actually did everything they needed to accomplish regardless of whether they turned anything in) but because now, all these years later, I'm wondering what the heck was the next step. The etching process. Meh. Oh well.
So anyhoo, while everyone else talked loudly, I sat there with my outlined alien. I began to feel bad for him - the alien with no detail to confirm he was an alien. He could have been a grown up Stewie for all anyone knew. So I gave him a name.
I just started writing letters I happen to like: n-o-x-z-i-m-b-y-p. There you have it. noxzimbyp. My username comes from my little copper alien cutout. I still have him. There he is. A little tarnished and discolored, since he's about 8 years old. Yep. That year, while online, I grew weary of my old username: which was just Jackief16 and Jackief17. I wanted a name that would be uniquely me. So I stole my alien's name. And now he and I share the same name.
I have since gotten tired of noxzimbyp. And occasionally of noxy. So sometimes I'll mix it up. So then I'm msnoxy, or niz or zimby.
Another tidbit - noxzimbyp and any form of the name is always lowercase. This is on purpose, though it wasn't at first. First, it was a matter of whatever I was typing it in to wasn't case-sensitive - so why bother capitalizing? But then, when I turned 18, I wandered in to the world of MMOSGs. (mass multiplayer online social games) There, I found my first real internet friends. One of which happened to be in to Sub/Dom, a culture I'd never heard of before. (I lived a sheltered life) Actually, this is a much, MUCH, longer story, and mayhaps I'll share it another time. But, long story short, in the world of Sub/Dom, the dom names were always capitalized, (showing power) while the subs were not - to show inferiority. I... have always considered myself an inferior being. This is due to lack of self esteem. And so upon hearing the reasoning for their capitalization, I found that the fact that I never capitalized noxzimbyp seemed to fit. And so I decided that it must always be lowercase.
There has only ever been one exception, and that's because of Second Life. Because they don't allow lowercase. At least, they didn't when I signed up. (no idea if that's still the case) They also require a last name. And not one you think up, but one you HAVE to choose from their drop down of names. Which, sounded incredibly stupid to me - ESPECIALLY when I learned that their drop down of last names CHANGES depending on the first name you chose. (I originally wanted to be noxy Koala, but Koala wasn't an option for me.) Ridiculous. So I am Noxy in Second Life. Noxy Minogue. I've grown used to it - the capitals - but only when using that name. Noxy Minogue. noxy.
And there you have it.
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1 week ago
Ok we are as turning "When I see YOUR FACE" into a new insult or at least the new "Yo mama" joke.
ReplyDeleteAlso I had no idea you'd have such a detailed backstory to your username mines like 5 lines tops. That topic wasn't even on the list originally I just threw it on right before I sent it to you.