Oh wow. This cleanse... I'm fairly certain it hates me. Like, Tuesday, I was getting heartburn while drinking the stuff. And an all day headache that wouldn't go away. And yesterday, I got reeeeally nauseous. I tried to go to sleep. You know, sleep the nausea away. But no, no sleep for me. Even after popping a bunch of melatonin. (a natural remedy to help you fall asleep) Instead, I ended up throwing up. Which, wasn't pleasant, because the only thing in my damned stomach was that crap ass lemonade and melatonin pills. And that's while forgetting to mention I had another day long headache. I um... might not be doing this for six days. Today might be it. Heartburn, nausea, and headaches was not part of the plan here. Not fun.
On another note, I think I'm somewhere in insane mode from not eating. This week, for the BenPals - ooooh wait, yeah I redesigned the BenPals channel page. Before, when Brenna was there, I had drawn little pictures of all five of us, and put them in the "About Me" section. To make it work, the whole section was a dark neutral gray. And then around it was a dark teal. It was... well, dark. So when Brenna left, I had a choice. I could draw a little picture of Callie and change the picture out that way, or redesign it completely. Now there aren't any little pictures of us. It's all light blue, like the sky around our intros. And the main window looks like an envelope. I like this a lot better. The idea of the pictures was cute, but I definitely did it wrong. Made it too dark. Yeah.
Okay, BACK to what I was originally saying. This week's challenge is:
Take the book you are currently reading (it doesn't matter if it's for class) and read it in a funny voice/accent. Please not all british! Also you can act or animate it if you feel so inclined.
Originally reading this I thought: "Crap." Because um, I can't even do a british accent all that well. So what the heck was I supposed to do? I don't do accents! And then I realized... I do. You see, I went to school in an area that was... um... gang infested? Not really, but people assumed it was. Not the nicest of areas. That's the assumption. It didn't help that our high school had a daycare and preschool to keep the teenage pregnant girls in school... that all being said, there was quite a bit of ghetto around. And so, growing up in such an area, I am known to go in to my crappy ghetto accent every now and again.
And so today, I went looking for a nice ghetto outfit in the house. And while the hoodie was washing (it's from high school, an ex boyfriend and my brother bought matching outfits back then. LOL. so probably... 7 years ago or so. Hasn't been worn in about that long.) I went about working on my makeup. Now, technically, the makeup style I chose might not be from my high school. Because thinking back, I don't think I people stared as often then. But I did in middle school. I was the new kid in middle school. And I came from a predominantly white middle school. (though I didn't actually realize that until I moved here and someone was looking at my yearbook from my old school and asked "Where are all the black people?? And the mexicans?!") Yeah... I stared a lot. So I can't rightly remember if I got this down right, because shoot, middle school was over ten years ago. I figure I got it close enough to get it though. Ha.
Tada! Ghetto-rific sorta, right yo? I'm um... totally wearing two different earrings. I couldn't find the hoops I was looking for, then I found one other one... so I wore it and a key. Ha.
Since I felt ghetto fabulous, I felt I needed to take those cliched myspace photos. Woot.
Ha he haha.
So yeah so, my hoodie was washed and ready, and I changed outta Homer. In my new outfit, I felt I was missing something, so I gave myself some tattoos.
I drew them with liquid ink pen on to the sticky side of masking tape, then, while the ink was wet, (had to go over them a couple times to make sure it was wet) I stuck them on. I'd never tried that before, because um... I'm not one to give myself fake tattoos often, but it went pretty well. Even though the ink was wet, when I pulled the tape off, it still looked faded, so with a steady hand and a mirror, I went over them with the pen again.
And there we have it. Ha.
That was fun. lol.
Here's the vid:
This video was um... yeah it was pretty fun. I shoulda rapped the book. lol. But I was afraid of messing it up. The reading only took one take, (VERY proud to say) and I predict had I tried to rap it, it woulda taken much MUCH longer.
And uh... here we have some extra footage that I felt I should share, since I went through all the trouble of getting in character...
I reeeeeally have to thank Jaine for this week's challenge. Was happy-making. :)
day 21 - a song that you listen to when you’re happy
Rhett and Link - My Favorite Pillow
Heee! This is a happy sounding song. And the video is amazing. Teehee!
And here's one more pic of me, what I sent to my buddy Mingo shortly after filming.
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