Anyone else feel the same way about themselves? I quite enjoy wandering various people's facebook pages. Or whatever else. I do it silently, and one thing I like doing every few years, is a search of childhood friends. It's been about six years since I'd done that, and back in 2005, I'd searched myspace. I found a few, but it looks like all but two of those pages are dead.
So I decided to do another search, this time on facebook. I was um... saddened to find that my mind cannot remember a lot of the names I'd searched back then. My old childhood friends are fading from me. Sigh. I mean, I might remember their first names... but what use is a first name when you're searching for them via facebook?
Anyhoo, I thought I might share some of those whom I've found. There will be links to their facebook pages, which means you need not click them, and can feel free to skip that part, because most of them (all of them?) are private pages anyhow. Some might not be verified as the person I was looking for, I'll mention it if that's the case.
These folks are in no particular order, and they all mostly come from 5th and 6th grade, with the exception of one possibly.
First up, we have Jason. Or uh... from his facebook page, Dj-Jay Krauch. LOL. He was a friend of my brother's, though we were the same age. I had a crush on him back then. Never told him so though, even though I'd found him back in 2005 and we had kept in touch for a bit. (He'd since deleted the page I found, as well as the facebook page I'd found after that) FYI, I do not believe I ever told any of my crushes that I'd been crushing on them. lol. That shall remain secret forever. Well, I mean, there's you, lovely reader, who now knows about Jason, but shhh, I trust you.
Next we have Elena. She was never a friend. ROFL. We were in the same class in fifth grade, and the reason I looked her up was because she had a unique name, so I figured she'd be easy to find. Had hoped I might find some old friends through her friends, but only found one name I recognized, and again, she was not a friend.
In fifth grade, Elena dated a dude whom also happened to be named Jason. Because of his private page, I cannot confirm if this is the Jason she dated and I knew, but he looks a lot like him. He was a friend, and was best friends with another person whom I failed to find now and had unfriended and/or deleted his myspace page in the past six years. lol.
Another fifth grade friend, though I'm pretty sure he was a fourth grade friend too - Cole. Again, I'm not sure if that's actually him. Looks like him. I can confirm that this is his myspace page though. The picture on that page is not helpful. ha. This guy and I were good friends back then. He had even given me a valentine one year. In response to that valentine, I (being a tomboy and not knowing how to handle such situations) did the only logical thing I could think of - I ripped the valentine in to tiny pieces. What the hell else was I supposed to do??! Write him back? Then he would have known I liked him! *shrug* I was always an incredibly bright kid, as you may have already guessed.
And then there's Czarina, and I'm pretty sure that's her, which is crazy, because according to her wall, she'd only just put up all her info and stuff like, two days ago. lol. She was another one I'd found back in 2005, but she'd deleted her page since I think. She was who introduced me to the Backstreet Boys, and NSYNC, and Hanson, and Aaron Carter.
Here's Lana. (In the picture, I'm fairly certain she'd the one all the way on the left) She was a close friend too. Her family and I went to see wrestling - WWF (Back before it was WWE) like, a day before I'd moved away from her. I remember she had such thought provoking questions. Like: "If you were on the Titanic (she was a huuuuge Leo diCaprio fan) and the boat was mid-sinking, and you were running for your life, but then you dropped your favorite hair comb - would you go back for it?"
Eric. I cannot confirm this is the same Eric I knew. But his page says he's from Arlington Heights, which is right next to Palatine, which is where our grade school was located. I knew him in first grade. Oh hellish first grade. Imagine being a tomboy whilst wearing gosh-awful poofy dresses, and white tights. Terrible. Terrible. Every frickin' day my mother dressed me in that crap - though after a while she stopped with the tights. It's not my fault they'd get ruined at recess when I was running around and scraping my knees and junk. I kid you not, one of those poofy dresses had jinglebells sewn in to it. And on one gosh-awful day in one gosh-awful dress, Eric gave me a kiss on the cheek. My teacher chastised him, to which he responded something like, "What? She looks pretty!" Oh memories. How did I react to that event, you ask? I pretended it didn't happen. Went about my business. Even while everyone stared at me. I'm a pro.
We're nearing the end of my stalker list. Only two more names to go.
Mr Z. He was my fifth grade teacher. Was one of my favorite teachers ever, he was awesome. Even though I wasn't the best of students. We actually had a short facebook conversation early last year when I found him, and I was shocked to find out he even remembered me. Ha.
And finally, and this one's a big one, Jay. Jay was technically my first boyfriend. D'awww. He looks very similar to the way I remember him too. I say he was technically my first bf, because really, this was 6th grade for me - 5th for him. The most we ever did was hang out together, (like we would have had we not been bf/gf) share the same seat on the bus, and I think I kissed him on the cheek once. I actually probably physically beat on him more often than I was affectionate. I was um... a bully. And then we went on to middle school and stopped talking so much. And then he moved away... and never told me. So I guess, technically speaking, we never actually broke up. Oh those awesome, awesome memories. lol.
So there we have it. Me in stalker mode. Sometimes I think it's sad that I'll go through the trouble of trying to find these people from my past, but then never actually try contacting them. But then again, back in '05, I did try to contact all of the ones I'd found. The first Jason up there, Elena, Cole, Czarina, and about a dozen others. Of the ones I listed, only the first Jason even remembered me. ( two or three of the "others" remembered me too) It's awkward, remembering someone so well, when you've personally already faded from their memory. I mean, really, what's the point of getting burned by asking them questions. I'd rather just get a kick out of finding them in the first place... than get kicked in the gut when I find out they don't remember me. And so I stalk. Ha.
SOOO last night I watched Dancing with the Stars. I recorded Monday and Tuesday, and I tend to have to watch those before Wednesday, because I follow a lot of the DwtS peoples and they totally spoil the show for me if I wait any longer. So yeah, so I was watching Monday's, and they were talking about how it was guilty pleasures week. The stars would be dancing to songs they consider their guilty pleasure. And I was thinking to myself,
"ya know... I don't really think it is, but I suppose MMMBop would count as a guilty pleasure song for me..."
And not one minute later, HANSON WAS THERE PERFORMING MMMBOP. Words cannot express how giddy and giggly I was at this development.
I'm actually super bummed because I decided at the beginning of the show that I was most definitely saving that episode... and then at the end of it I habitually hit delete. So sad.
But on a happier note, the results show had performances from NKOTBSB!!!! Less than one month away and I'll be seeing them in concert! Eeeeeeeee! I'm keeping that episode. lol.
It sorta sucked though, because I was checking twitter during commercial breaks, (damn twitaholic here) and damn that Chris Jericho, he tweeted about being in a green room for Jimmy Kimmel, and totally ruined the ending of the results show for me. (The person who gets kicked off goes on Kimmel that night) So sad. Especially since he's who I was rooting/voting for. Sigh.
I was thinking of possibly extending BEDA in to May. But not like, every day. Maybe like, Blog A Lot in May, or BALM. (BALiM?) Or I could throw in Alot and it would be BAM! lol. Hehehehe.
I'm trying to catch up on all the things I got recorded. My DVR is now approximately 41% full. Geeze. And I began to start forgetting what I'd recorded in the first frickin' place. Like, an episode of the Today show. I was like "Guh?" But then I found out, it's because Daniel Radcliffe was performing a number from the broadway show he's in, How to Succeed in Business Without Really Trying.
It was quite interesting, Daniel uses an american accent, and he's all singing and dancing and junk. I know this is said a lot, but hey, it's true, he's Harry Potter! British, broody, chosen one Harry Potter. And there he is all clean shaven and american sounding and dancing and singing... tee hehehehe.
day 27 - a song that you wish you could play
Tobuscus theme song
Technically speaking, I'd like to be able to play any and all songs. So I just grabbed the first one I thought of. Yep. The Tobuscus theme song was the first song I thought of. lol.
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1 month ago
I enjoyed facebook stalking your childhood friends with you. This post also makes me feel better about facebook stalking an old missed connection (don't know what to call it...basically a guy I was into but accidentally blew off) the other day.
ReplyDeleteHahahaha so I very much enjoyed listening to toby play his theme song!! Kind of... completely hot. Actually. Yeah. I BLAME YOU for my toby crush noxy!!!! =)